Friday 15 March 2013

Why 'I' celebrated 'International Women's Day'

I know, this post has been uploaded late, but hey! I've uploaded it anyway.     :-P

March 8, marks the celebration of International Women’s day.

Some of us (like everyone at my office) like to celebrate the day, and some of us don’t, because of varied reasons.

Everyone’s entitled to their own opinions, and I am not writing this to contradict or oppose them.

Like the title of my post suggests, I did celebrate Women’s Day. (Or rather, my workplace was more enthusiastic about it, or maybe.. they were finding reasons to take time off from work.)

:-D I got loads of chocolates and boxes of cookies, and I never was pampered so much before, thanks to all the guy folks in my office.

Well, keeping all the fun part aside, I celebrated Women’s day to celebrate the Women who have changed my life, and never failed to inspire me, encourage me and love me. 

They are not famous celebrities, politicians, or entrepreneurs.

But, women who keep their families bonded, who work restlessly, who've made sacrifices relentlessly, and who've been there, done that and are still going strong.

I feel this day is rather a tribute to all those ladies (women), rather than me, who’s just started knowing life! (Which, unfortunately is such a B****, like my friend said!)

In short, I’d say IWD is for people like my Grandma, Mommy and several others 
who've inspired and loved us, beginning from home.
Rather, it’s for Aunties. (Kidding! ;-D)

I could write endlessly on my Mom or Grandma and my favorite Aunts. But, this blog won’t be sufficient. It’s best to stop here.

I hope you all got what I mean to say, and why I celebrated Women’s day. 

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